Apple Valley Fence Installer

Are you looking to enhance your property’s security, privacy, or aesthetic appeal but don’t know where to start? Take a step towards transforming your space with the help of a reputable fence company. With Midwest Fence’s expertise and wide range of options, you’ll find the fence that suits your needs and complements your property.

Experience Meets Modern Expertise

At Midwest Fence, we’ve been helping homeowners keep their properties safe and secure since 1947. Our leading experts have seen it all, from the simplest fence installation to the most complex custom jobs. We’ll work with you to find the best fence for your needs and budget, and we’ll get the job done right.

Tailored Solutions for a Variety of Preferences

Midwest Fence is your one-stop-shop for all your fencing needs. With their expertise and experience, they can build fences of multiple styles and materials, customized to match your unique vision. From wood privacy to Trex Composite and everything in between, they have the skills to bring your dream fence to life.

Here in Minnesota, we know a thing or two about harsh winters, unpredictable weather, and varied landscapes. That’s why Midwest Fence uses only quality materials and construction methods to build fences that can withstand the elements and complement your property for years to come.

Unparalleled Craftsmanship and Customer Satisfaction

Trusted by locals as the go-to fence contractor in the area, Midwest Fence has earned a solid reputation for their exceptional craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. When it comes to fencing, you can trust the experts at Midwest Fence.

As a full-service fencing company, we use only the highest quality materials and construction methods, and we offer a variety of financing options to make it easy for you to afford your new fence. We also offer a satisfaction guarantee.

Get Your Free Estimate Today

Midwest Fence is committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. That means being available for you when you need us. Whether you need a fence installed yesterday or you have a question about your existing fence, a fence estimator is here to help. 

Take the first step toward enhancing your property’s security, privacy, and curb appeal by calling us at 651-451-2222.