Online Payments – Midwest Fence

Please read the instructions below, then complete the security check form on the right. You will be redirected to our secure 3rd-party payment portal.

If you are making…

A Down Payment On A New Fence

    If you are making a down payment on a new fence, please include the “Order Code” you received at the time of you’re estimate.

    A Progress Payment (Post Set Payment)

    If your posts are now set, please include the “Sale Order Number” from the Sales Order information that was either mailed out to you, from the paperwork your post-set crew left for you, or in the email you received from our scheduling department.

    A Final Payment On An Invoice

    For final payments, you can use either your “Sale Order Number” from before, or the “Invoice Number” that is on the final invoice that was mailed out to you.

    Continue to Payment Portal

    Payment Redirect Form

    Complete the security check and click the button below. You will be redirected to our secure 3rd party payment portal.

    Please be patient... For security reasons, redirection can take up to 20 seconds.

    If you have question, Please call 651-451-2222.