January 2024

Styles of Cuts For Top Of Wood Fences

Styles of Cuts For Top Of Wood Fences

In our previous article, we discussed different wood privacy fence styles based on how the vertical boards are attached to the fence rails. Today, we will focus on alternative techniques to give your privacy fence a unique appearance.

While the method of attaching the boards to the rails determines the overall aesthetic, there are various ways to cut the top of the boards, adding individuality to your fence.

One simple approach is leaving the top of the fence board uncut, creating a flat surface. Another popular style is the Dog Ear, where the upper corners of the board are truncated, leaving a flat central segment. These styles are commonly seen in rural or rustic settings.

For more intricate cuts, you can create a pointed apex on the board. This includes Gothic or French Gothic fences, with a subtype that involves removing small circular sections from either side just below the point. A Colonial topped board (pictured to the right) has a straightforward point without indentations beneath it, while a Spanish topped post has swift incisions before ascending toward the apex.

Another option is the Wedgewood-topped fence, which features a 45-degree diagonal cut from one top corner of the vertical board to the opposing edge. The boards are alternated to create a dual-point configuration, resulting in the appearance of a singular point between them.

cedar picket fence image

Another option is the Wedgewood-topped fence, which features a 45-degree diagonal cut from one top corner of the vertical board to the opposing edge. The boards are alternated to create a dual-point configuration, resulting in the appearance of a singular point between them.

In addition to unique top caps for privacy fence boards, post caps offer another way to add a distinctive look. These caps can be made from wood, vinyl, or copper, and popular designs include Federal, Island, Harbor, or Backstreet styles.

Different conventional top shapes for boards exist as well. A shallow, downward semi-circle cut between posts is known as a “scalloped” or “concave” spaced board fence, while an upward semi-circle is called a “convex” spaced board fence. Other styles are defined by the cuts at the top of the boards.

Lastly, common fence tops contribute to the fence’s stature and distinctiveness. Lattice tops are often seen, as displayed in the header of this web page, and ivy-patterned tops offer another possibility.

For a comprehensive understanding of your fencing options, feel free to reach out to Midwest Fence today at 651-451-2222.

More Styles Of Wood Privacy Fences

More Styles of Wood Privacy Fences

Wood fences come in a variety of styles, each offering its own unique features. One such style is the board-on-board fence. In this design, the fence boards are securely overlapped on the same side of the rail, leaving no gaps and ensuring complete privacy. 

Alternatively, the boards can be arranged in an alternating sides configuration, allowing for some airflow while still maintaining privacy. This style is often referred to as a “neighborly” fence because it presents the same appearance on both sides, creating a cohesive look that is shared by you and your neighbors.

tongue and groove cedar Fence gate image

Another option is the tongue-and-groove wood privacy fence. This type of fence features vertically placed boards that interlock with each other using a tongue-and-groove joint. 

The tongue on one edge of the board fits into the groove on the other edge, creating a strong and secure connection. This design blocks views and provides high levels of privacy.

Cedar and redwood are recommended choices for their natural resistance to rot and insects, while pine is a more affordable option but not as durable.

Rail and split rail wood fences serve primarily decorative purposes and act as boundary markers for properties. A split rail fence consists of rough-cut boards that fit into holes within the posts, typically with two boards per segment. This creates a rustic and western ambiance. On the other hand, a rail fence attaches the rails to the posts without incorporating vertical boards.

For more information on fencing options, reach out to Midwest Fence at 651-451-2222.

Stay tuned for our next post, where we will explore creative ways to give your privacy fence a unique and personalized look.

Different Styles Of Wood Privacy Fences

Different Styles of Wood Privacy Fencing

Numerous varieties of wood privacy fencing allow you to tailor your yard’s exterior to whatever design or taste you would like.

Spaced Board Fences

Spaced board fences are a popular choice for privacy fencing. They are made of vertical boards that are spaced apart by a few inches. This allows for some airflow and visibility, while still providing a degree of privacy.

The height of a spaced board fence can be adjusted to control the amount of privacy and airflow. A four-foot fence is a good option for enclosing a yard and curtailing the movement of pets and children. A six-foot fence provides more privacy and security.

Spaced board fences can be made from a variety of wood types, including cedar, redwood, and pine. Cedar is a good choice because it is naturally resistant to rot and insects. Redwood is also durable and weather-resistant. Pine is a more budget-friendly option, but it is not as durable as cedar or redwood.

The appearance of spaced board fences can be further customized by applying staining or paint that complements your home’s aesthetic.

Wood Picket Fences

Wood picket fences are another popular choice for privacy fencing. They are typically shorter than spaced board fences and are often painted white. Picket fences can be used for decorative purposes as well as to provide privacy.

Vertical board fences are a more secure option than spaced board or picket fences. They are made of vertical boards that are attached side by side. Vertical board fences can be made from any type of wood and can be customized with different top treatments.

Basketweave fences are a unique type of privacy fence that is made of longboards that are woven together to create a basket-like pattern. They provide a high degree of privacy and security, but they can be more expensive than other types of fences.

Louvered fences are made of slats that are arranged in a louvered pattern. This allows for some airflow and visibility, while still providing privacy. Louvered fences can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and vinyl.

The best type of wooden privacy fence for you will depend on your needs and budget. If you are looking for a fence that provides a high degree of privacy and security, then a basket weave fence or a louvered fence may be a good option. If you are on a budget, then a spaced board fence or a picket fence may be a better choice.

Louvered Wood Privacy Fences

No matter what type of wooden privacy fence you choose, be sure to get it from a reputable contractor. This will ensure that the fence is installed properly and that it will last for many years.

To learn more about your fencing options, call Midwest Fence today at 651-451-2222.

In our next post, we will take a look at more styles of wood privacy fences.

How Wood Fences Are Made More Durable

How Wood Fences Are Made More Durable

In our recent conversations, we delved into the robustness of chain link fencing, which derives its strength from galvanized iron wire and vinyl coating, safeguarding it against environmental elements. 

Likewise, the durability of wooden fences, encompassing both privacy and picket variants, hinges upon defensive strategies against nature’s forces. Pressure treatment takes center stage here, involving the infusion of chemical preservatives into the wood under pressure. 

This technique forms a protective shield against termites, wood-boring insects, and fungal decay that leads to rot. 

Pressure-treated lumber has garnered popularity for wooden fencing, particularly when the fence faces the challenges of weather exposure and potential insect threats. Having accrued over six decades of expertise in fence installation across the Twin Cities, Midwest Fence has pioneered an innovative pressure treatment method for Western Red Cedar. 

Named the DuraCedar™ system, it employs Durazyme™, an eco-friendly, clear treatment renowned for its rot-resistant attributes. This treatment is meticulously applied to the heartwood of Canadian old-growth red cedar. The culmination is a cedar wood that effortlessly absorbs staining and remains steadfast against warping, twisting, checking, or discoloration.