Wood Picket Tops
Types Of Wood Picket Fence Tops
Wood picket fences are a popular choice for homeowners looking for security to keep small animals out of a yard and to contain young children and pets while retaining an elegant and traditional look for their property.
Each wood picket fence slat can also have a unique style at the top, shaped with a unique look. Among the styles for picket fences are:
Flat Top Flat Top picket fences are as you imagine … a squared off top to each fence picket is the simplest as they don’t have to be shaped.
Colonial Top Colonial Wood picket fences are cut at the top with a curve to a point, similar to the end of sword. These pickets are among the oldest and most traditional of styled picket tops.
French Gothic Top French Gothic wood picket fences combine a Gothic Top picket, with half-circle internal cuts underneath the Gothic top. This elegant style is also known as Fleur De Lis.
Pointed Top Traditional Pointed Top picket fences are similar to a gothic top, but instead of curved cuts, straight cuts are made bringing the picket to a point.
Concave or Convex Picket Tops These are more complex creations as all slats must be in place between the fence posts. Then, using a saw, the pickets are cut between the posts in a Convex shape (a smile) or a Concave shape (a frown.)
Dog Ear These are also popular. A flat top fence slat is cut off slightly at each corner, leaving a flat top across most of the slat.
Virginia Cut Virginia Cut picket fences are similar to a dog ear, except rather than a flat cut the corners are cut with a small convex shape. A flat top fence slat is cut off slightly at each corner, leaving a flat top across most of the slat.
Rounded Top Just as the name suggests, these are flat topped pickets that are cut to be rounded at the top.
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