In our previous post we reviewed the reasons most homeowners build a fence and what kind of fence material to use. In this post, we will quickly review the reasons fences are built and examine the remaining materials used to build fences.
Most homeowners building a fence do so for a particular reason, or a combination of reasons. Among them are:
— Protection – Security for a home by protecting from intrusive people or animals.
— Appearance – Adding an attractive or decorative element to a property.
— Safety – Keeping pets or children contained.
— Privacy – Enclosing an area from wandering eyes.
— Legal – Local codes may require fences for yards with pools, among other reasons.
— Boundary marking – Clearly defining a property line.
Understanding the reasons a fence is built can help to choose the best fence material. In our previous post we examined chain link, wood and PVC or vinyl fence materials.
In this post we will look at other fence materials:
— Composite Fencing – This is the newest fence material, made by combining recycled wood fiber and plastic resins and is distributed under brand names such as Trex Fencing. Considered ‘engineered wood,’ composite materials have been used to build decks and outdoor play structures for longer than a decade.
Composite fencing is solid rather than PVC fence panels and posts that are hollow or reinforced with an aluminum core. Composite materials also resist insects and rot while still being low maintenance.
— Wrought iron or aluminum – This material is among the oldest fence materials, known for its appearance, security, durability and low maintenance. The traditional style of iron — or these days aluminum — fencing is thin, tall bars with only a few inches between them held together by rails at the top and bottom.
To that traditional design, ornate decorative accents are added to offer a unique decorative look. The decorations can have sharp points which can add to the security of smooth, thin bars which are difficult to climb.
This fencing is also among the most durable and does require some maintenance, mainly painting as weather fades colors.
— Brick – This is a strong, sturdy fence type that will both last longer and weather better than nearly all other materials. It is also among the most difficult to install, requiring skills that most do-it-yourselfers don’t have. This is also among the most expensive type of fence when materials and time are considered.
— Stone – Similar to brick, this material is difficult to work with and install, requiring skills and expertise most homeowners do not have. Stone is also an expensive material and is difficult to work with.
Choosing the fence material that best suits the need is the first step, installation is the next. While some fence materials can be installed by do-it-yourselfers, professional installation ensures the fence will be its most sturdy and long lasting.
If you have questions about these, or any fence type, don’t hesitate to contact a professional at Midwest Fence for a free consultation. Call 651-451-2222.
In our next post we will examine the pros and cons of vinyl fencing.