Wood Post Top Styles
There are a variety of wood fence types from privacy to picket, tongue-and-groove to alternating and colonial to gothic.
While there are different types of fences, and styles within those types, there are commonalities to them all. All wood fences have posts and all have wood boards. Each of those commonalities can have their own unique look.
Posts can have caps or a pre-cut styling at the top.
There are a wide variety of caps … pre-cut and presized tops that are slipped over and secured to each post in a wood fence.
Caps come in styles such as Federal, Island, Harbor and Back Street caps. Others are Hatteras, Colonial, Newport and Nantucket styles.
There are also options for pre-cut tops to wood fence posts. Similar to styles at the top of picket fence slats, there are French Gothic, Colonial, Virginian and Traditional.
Different post tops and caps can be combined with any fence type and style.

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